Mama Bear & Her Teens

Join me as I juggle not one but three teenage boys: their academics, extracurriculars, and social affairs. I may occasionally share how we throw a giant dog and house cat into the mix.


On our recent trip to Toronto, we once again found ourselves pulling into a nearby parking lot to try a new café.  The city has so much to offer, especially variety of halal cuisines.  We had two hours before our reservations at a nearby ski lodge so we decided...


What’s next?

When my youngest started kindergarten six years ago, I was often asked “what’s next?” It seemed everyone around me wanted to know what I had planned for all that newly found free time. “Should I have a plan?” “Should there be a celebration to mark this milestone?” “Should I...


You are a Choice

To stay home and be a mom was a choice I made, years ago.  There were no manuals, but you were expected to drive like a pro.    There were lot of questions, and no clear answers.  You studied all the choices, and bubbled the best one (for you)....


“Be like your father!”

Recently, I overheard an adult advising a young child on working hard.  “Stay in school.” “Do your homework on time.” “Don’t you want to grow up to be successful.” “Be like your father; he works hard for you.” The dad is obviously a professional, working long hours and providing...


COVID-19 Exposure

A quick glance on my apple watch has me rushing to the door.  I quickly put on my jacket and look for my shoes. Tripping over zillion footwear, I grab my black boots. With one hand on the door knob and other reaching to grab my phone, I yell...


She did what?

          I texted a picture of our new pet to my cousins and immediately received a call, “How? and When?” Similarly, an old friend was more interested in how I allowed the kids to get a new pup, than pup himself.    I chuckled at family and friends’ reactions.  I,...


Schooling in Pandemic

Families all around the nation are making difficult decisions regarding schooling in COVID-19 pandemic. The debate between in-person schooling and remote learning is still a hot topic.  It is a guessing game: When is it safe to send kids back to school or keep them in school?  There are...


Socializing with Social Distancing

COVID-19 is far from ending, but don’t let it run your life.  Everyone has sacrificed a lot from buckling down and trying to stay safe; especially the children.  A vast majority of kids have limited access to friends because of remote learning and zoom instruction.  Many families have also...


Three under Four

I turn the water off and yell “Yea! Who needs what?” My husband replies, “I got this one.” I took a deep breath of relief; and yet felt as if I was a mother of three under four, again. Ten years ago, I was walking around our New Albany...


Finding a New Norm

       Just when one thought that our lives are returning to somewhat normal, the COVID-19 positive cases rise to skyrocket numbers in Texas. We have been in quarantine for about eighteen weeks, and no glimpse of this pandemic ending, We have no routine; everyone gets up when they want,...
