Prepping my morning with books and pens
A new culture to observe and learn
But who knew I would be a puppet you yearned
You were tall and strong, perfect in all the ways
Teachers, students, fame … all led your day
But you headed my way, why bey?
While I intentionally stepped out in bay
Figuring the norms in just few days
But you made sure it stays a maze
A joke or prank may have given you a laugh
And new additions to your clan
But it shattered my faith in all men
You pulling off my shoe and running as you have won
May have given you a sense of #1
But that was my pride you stripped in name of fun
You poking me with sharpened pencils
May have killed your boredom in math
But it marked my soul in half
You pointed and giggled all along
May have brighten your heart
But it ripped me apart
You may not have punctured my skin
Or broken my bones
But your laughs haunted me from within
Maybe it was a popularity stunt for you
And long time has passed
But your words and actions have left a scar
October 9, 2024: National Stop Bullying Day