Packing for Costa Rica

Costa Rica was one trip that we planned for weeks prior to our departure.  It was between Cancun or Costa Rica and our family and friends repeatedly raved about the adventurous Costa Rica so tickets to Liberia were booked fairly quickly.    Then, I googled and talked to our references and planned out a packing list and must visit tours.  Here is our suggestion with our weekend trip with three teen boys.

Athletic Outfit

With three teenagers, it is the easiest to have them pack their athletic shorts and dry fit shirts.  So, for any trip, we roll one outfit per day which includes their shorts, shirt, underwear, and socks. All their essentials, with their pajamas, are then packed in a travel cube

Bathing Suit

We were staying at a beachfront resort so swimwear was a must.  Boys packed a pair of swim shorts and swim shirt; and my youngest held on to his goggles for beach and the pool.  My husband wore a Magellan’s Outdoor Cargo Shorts to walk around the beach.  I opted for a comfortable look with the pair of swim tights and a Quick-dry coverup dress from Amazon. 

Water Shoes

I wanted to tag along a pair of water shoes that were comfortable for the beach and muddy pathways.  Simari Water shoes served their purpose well.  Boys are in love with their Crocs so they found it slip on their sandals for beach, pool, and restaurants. 

Hiking Outfit

Whenever we decide on a vacation, boys either push for a ski trip with their Canadian cousins or a beach trip.  However, I enjoy the nature and would love a trail walk. The best thing about Costa Rica was that it offered peaceful beaches and plenty of rainforests to hike through.  We knew changing in and out of outfits would be difficult in a middle of a rainforest so I chose to pack quick dry clothing for everybody.  Columbia’s Convertible Pants allowed for boys to cover their skin from bug bites and unzip their dry fit pants into shorts for a dip into a waterfall.   I bought two pairs of Santiny Hiking Pants which held up great.  They were light and super comfortable for an all-day outing.  Every one had on a quick dry long sleeves top. In addition, we packed long moisture wicking socks that we had previously purchased for our ski trips. 

Hiking Boots

My cousin lives up north and does plenty of trails with her family.  I reached out to her for recommendations for a decently priced waterproof footwear for our hike through the rainforest.  She swears by her Merrell pair and we love our Columbia products for our winter gear.  Therefore, we found comfortable pairs of Columbia boots and a Merrell child sized shoe. Thankfully, we weren’t rained out on any of our outdoor trips but this way we were prepared.  And we have invested in a good pair of hiking shoes for our future adventures. 

Warm Layer

Since rainforest weather is unpredictable, we all had our fleece jacket or a sweatshirt handy.

Raincoat/ Poncho

One thing all the bloggers recommended is a poncho.  Apparently, you do not leave the hotel without a poncho or an umbrella in Costa Rica. So, I got a jumbo pack of disposable rain ponchos off of Amazon because I didn’t have time for a dollar store.  I, however, don’t like the plastic noise and how a poncho flies around, so I purchased a long raincoat for myself.  It was one size in XL but it covered me head to toe and it had a drawstring at the waist for a comfortable fit. It was super light, weighing less than a pound, and it came with an easy to carry bag so I clipped it on by backpack.


With all our belongings being waterproof or quick dry, we needed a bag that would hold our essentials and free up hands.  I looked and looked for a hiking bag and I did not come across anything waterproof and without a price tag in hundreds.  I asked a friend who has adventure ingrained in her blood, and she introduced me to the world of drybags.  They are super light and completely waterproof.  A sudden wave soaked our belongings but everything inside a Marchway drybag was completely dry. 

Waterproof Phone Pouch

We could have had the kids pack their phones inside their drybags but a life for a teenager without a phone is miserable.  To keep us sane, I purchased everyone a waterproof phone pouch and my two sons used it for the entire trip.  I had mine clipped to my backpack so if it rained, I could quickly save my phone and take pictures but I did not need to use it much.  It will be a must for our future pool days.   

Insect Repellent

I was dreading a rainforest trip because if Deet didn’t hold up, our youngest would throw a fit if he got bit.  I had packed Benadryl tablets and cream but I would like to avoid the drama if I could.  That’s when my cousin recommended that I treat our hiking outfits before hand for extra protection.  And that’s exactly what I did.  I purchased a Sawyer brand permethrin spray and soaked our outfits with it.  When dried, I packed them in zip lock bags and into the travel cubes.  I don’t know effective it was but we didn’t have any insect bites; plus my nephew went on a camping trip and saw a clear difference between the kids who had on a treated outfit and who didn’t.  So, why take a chance?

Travel Towel

We knew we were planning to hop from wet to dry spots so I packed two sets of travel towels incase anyone needed to quick pat dry.  I received three pack set and it came very handy when kids decided to soak by the La Fortuna Waterfall. Then, we used it wipe the sand off our feet when walking off the shore.  I clipped it on my backpack and it was quick to dry.  There are super thin and absorbent so not as bulky at as a beach towel.  I think it will come handy with our kids athletic events, as well.

Carry-on Luggage

If we can, we avoid the drama of check-in luggage.  So, what does our carry-on luggage hold? I have the boys pack their essentials in travel cubes.  I had grabbed several sets on a prime sale after seeing my brother organize his kids belongings when he visited our house.  The large size holds their rolled outfits. One is for their flip-flops for a quick walk around the hotels.  A small cube holds their toiletries (toothbrush, hairbrush, ChapStick, deodorant, hat, sunglasses, medicine). I throw in another medium size cube if they need to pack something separately.  I had purchased a sling long ago when boys were a lot younger so they can hold their essentials for the flight. That way I wasn’t passing things form my back pack or carry-on.  Their sling holds their electronics, a book, snack, and an empty water bottle.  I do have them fit their sling in their carry-on and they pull it out before boarding so security is a breeze.

On this trip, we did tag along a check-in suitcase so I can pack along full containers of mosquito repellent and sunscreen and not spend extra cash at a tourist store.  I also packed our kids’ favorite snacks.  I debated to check-in my boots or to pack them in a carry-on and decided on a carry-on incase our baggage gets lost.  On our way back, the luggage held all our laundry in garbage bags so our carry-ons were much lighter. 

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