the big move … 

sat on the couch

curled up

knees hugging my chest

chin down, and then a long sigh

the room with boxes all around

wardrobe still in the suitcases

grocery bags on the counter

unpack one, but still lot more to go

nostalgia hits … again

heart sinks, stomach queasy

limbs numb

soul heavy

home was Texas

heart was in Houston

soul left behind

so, what am I doing here

give it a chance

they said

go somewhere

drive around

where would I go

what would I escape

when I come home

boxes will greet and silent walls may whisper

no one waiting, on the porch

or greeting at the door

no ringing my phone

was that just dad looking out for me

it’s silent

long road to no where

no brother to tease

no one to shop with

groceries stocked up

no one to cook

no warm meal

without mama there to guide

home was now Kentucky

heart should be in Lousiville

just a body and white walls

i need to find a new me

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