Do it for yourself

Don’t be afraid to walk alone and create your journey.  Nothing productive will come out if you just wait for a supportive audience, worry about what people will think, or plan for a better day. The day is today so take the leap.  

This is for you!

And time is now. 

I was always waiting for a better time, thinking I will do something better than staying at home once the kids are older.  And now that kids are independent, I am sitting all day planning, researching resources, and quite frankly waiting for someone to to ride the journey with me.  

Nobody has the time or that dedication. I don’t. You don’t either.  

I was frustrated, struggling with time management.  After a few little tries, I don’t feel guilty now for shutting the door and doing something, anything, I enjoy.  Currently, I am trying to build my blog and write more, but tomorrow might be crafting or sketching. And that is okay.  I am okay with allowing myself to juggle different hobbies, as long as I am feeding my soul at the end of the day.  

Do it for yourself and do it today!

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