

Planning Smartly

Since I received my very first Rocketbook, I haven’t been able to let them go.   Ever since school years, I was known to jot down everything. As the teacher or presenter talked, my fingers would start moving. Now, I think I just learn new information that way.  Visual learners...


What is success?

“To be independent doesn’t mean a career for everyone.” Yes, I went through graduate school, wanting to be a therapist… to talk to people and help them process “the big elephant”. But, I don’t want that today, not as badly as I wanted it seventeen years ago. Quite frankly, I don’t...


Dear me,

Today,  I stop depending on others  to lend a hand or an ear . Yesterday,  someone could have listened, paid attention and ask if I am okay . Tomorrow,  I will not  wait on anyone.  I will carry my own weight  for rest of the days ahead


Do it for yourself

Don’t be afraid to walk alone and create your journey.  Nothing productive will come out if you just wait for a supportive audience, worry about what people will think, or plan for a better day. The day is today so take the leap.   This is for you! And time...


Executing my Goals

It is so liberating to take the first steps to execute a plan on paper into action.  Whether or not, I actually achieve the results I want to is not important, at least I can say I tried.  Nobody accomplishes anything sitting on the couch and entertaining the idea...


Looking for More

Slouching back on a wooden patio chair on a New Year’s Day, contemplating what to do next.  I sat immobilized with knots in my tummy and jitters in my beat, that I should be doing something more productive than lounging with my feet up and twiddling with a fur...


Salvage your Core

Guilty of filling your plate with too much stuff? Every one of us has done it at some point in our lives.  Few of us have learn to portion control but some of us have yet to learn to say “No!” I am not talking about food or weight...


Schooling in Pandemic

Families all around the nation are making difficult decisions regarding schooling in COVID-19 pandemic. The debate between in-person schooling and remote learning is still a hot topic.  It is a guessing game: When is it safe to send kids back to school or keep them in school?  There are...
