
Tiny Writing Nook is now Transformed!

Recently, I did something out of my comfort zone. I have been talking about self-care and writing a book on my social media and blog for so long that I been wanting to update my closest friends in person. However, I dreaded a “party”. I didn’t want the emphasis...


Picking one writing platform over another

We are all short on time, and can’t juggle different sites and social media platforms. How do we decide where to invest? (Originally posted on When you make writing a passion, you keep looking to grow your seedling. Not only does it require adequate sunlight and water, it...


Dear me,

Today,  I stop depending on others  to lend a hand or an ear . Yesterday,  someone could have listened, paid attention and ask if I am okay . Tomorrow,  I will not  wait on anyone.  I will carry my own weight  for rest of the days ahead


Do it for yourself

Don’t be afraid to walk alone and create your journey.  Nothing productive will come out if you just wait for a supportive audience, worry about what people will think, or plan for a better day. The day is today so take the leap.   This is for you! And time...


Executing my Goals

It is so liberating to take the first steps to execute a plan on paper into action.  Whether or not, I actually achieve the results I want to is not important, at least I can say I tried.  Nobody accomplishes anything sitting on the couch and entertaining the idea...
